counting 4

another 6 days to be at bahrein...insyallah...

lg 17 hari dia bakal bertukar status...insyallah

counting 3....

another 8 days to be at bahrein...insyallah...

lg 19 hari dia bakal bertukar status...insyallah

mmg dh tak der kejer betul lar...

counting 2...

another 9 days to be at bahrein...insyallah...

lg 20 hari dia bakal bertukar status...insyallah


another 10 days to be at cairo airport...insyallah...

lg 21 hari dia bakal bertukar status...insyallah

exam wish...thx dear...

to completely trust in ALLAH is to be like a child...
who knows deeply that
even if he does not call for the mother,
the mother is totally aware of his condition
and is looking after him....
(imam ghazali)

bittaufiq wannajah...
hampir berakhirnya final exam nih maka makin hampir lah masa utk menjejakkan kaki ke tanah melayu...
saat kaki menjejak KLIA maka makin dekat lah detik dia menjadi milik orang lain...
redha dalam gembira...
moga bahagia milikmu...
(not going to jote bout u now...because there will be a tear that will came out...)

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